Sponsorship of afternoon break. Signage at refreshment area; recognition from podium; logo recognition in event materials; logo recognition in presentation slide; opportunity to insert marketing materials in attendee packets; recognition on LAKC website; at least one social media mention.
Signage at happy hour location; recognition from podium; logo recognition in event materials; logo recognition in presentation; opportunity to insert marketing materials in attendee packets; logo recognition with link in email marketing to LAKC mailing list; logo with link on LAKC website; at least one social media mention.
Signage at event location; recognition from podium; logo recognition in event materials; logo recognition in presentation; opportunity to insert marketing materials in attendee packets; logo recognition with link in email marketing to LAKC mailing list; logo with link on LAKC website; at least one social media mention.
(one sponsor per hour of programming)
Sponsorship of one hour of CLE programming. Recognition from podium; logo recognition in event materials; logo recognition in presentation slide; opportunity to insert marketing materials in attendee packets; at least one social media mention.